About Lookback
Lookback is a dedicated video research platform for talking to your users, together through usability testing and interviewing. It's the best way to collect feedback from customers on your product, website or prototype.
Their mission? Bridging the gap between users and product teams not only produces more usable products, it ensures humanity is at the core of every product decision.
The product? Tasks is a step-by-step research product that improves the unmoderated participant experience, creates more intuitive, seamless transitions between the tasks of the study, which is of great help when there's no moderator around to guide or handhold the participant.
* Disclaimer: Some of the details in this case study may be vague to protect the client's intellectual property as it's under a Non-disclosure Agreement. Some design elements have been changed from the original.
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The Problem
After more than a year of Tasks being available for participants on Desktop, it was time to improve the mobile experience. We needed the participant to focus on the experience they're testing, not the Participate app.
Task-based testing on iOS was painful because of app switching.
Research participants forgot to return to the task window and complete all tasks, to tap start/stop task, messing up the playback timestamps and did not understand how to get back to tasks at all.
Introduce step-by-step tasks into our mobile apps in a way that is easy to use for participants, and makes sure researchers get helpful sessions where testers think out loud and complete all tasks.