Talent Directory
February 27, 2021
As a designer, I am always curious 💭 to learn about existing product talent (design & research) who are behind the great products we use and hear about.
Finding the right design & research talent to join your team or company can be a pain 😰 (especially for startups). So we (Samantha, UX Designer at Microsoft) and I did it for you: we spent over 20 hours selecting the easiest way possible to do so on Notion 🚀.
📚 I started working on the idea on Monday 10th Feb. By the end of Tuesday, I had built the prototype. On the following days, I added new "features" including adding oneself to the directory. I posted on a few communities and the response was amazing. Thank you all for the review. 🙏🏾
Meet Product (Design & Research) talent and hiring boards 🎉! It has more than 100 amazing talent profiles and 50 new opportunities ✨.

🎙 To shed some light on the boards, we created the talent board to make it exponentially easy for Managers and HR to hire in the Kenyan product/design space. We then created the hiring board to deliver jobs that match their product skills, to build a successful career.

We’ve added them all, so you could pick exactly what you need. 🤓 Also, we added links of their LinkedIn profiles and who nominated them. Feels like yellow pages listing for businesses organized by category 😂.
❤️ It's completely free for personal and commercial use. We're growing every week, so you'll always have access to the best talent and opportunities.