Key Takeaways
- Steal their thunder by being the first one to ask or, return the ball to their court and ask them to tell you their budget. Recruiters are humans too, be honest. Always ask for some time to think.
- Prepare yourself with enough data by studying the current fair market value for the position (Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Indeed, friends). Cite how your unique skills & values can contribute to the business (achievements, certifications, education, side-projects, testimonials).
- Understand the total compensation package (perks, equity, bonus and raise structure). Know your floor and ceiling from the very beginning and do not undervalue yourself.
The job search process is tough and intense. Not only should you research the role you're interviewing for, but you should also prepare to negotiate a salary you can rightfully defend. Keep in mind that those who chose to negotiate salary, rather than accepting the offer on the table, increased their starting pay by an average of $5,000[1]. Crazy, right?
Well I read this article, Setting Up & Preparing For Interviews[2] by Taylor Poindexter the Engineering Manager at Spotify, and the first tip for setting up your interviews really struck a cord as I've always struggled with addressing it; How to say no to saying your desired salary by a company when it's interviewing you.
It got me curious. What are the 'right' words to use when saying no and switching the conversation to them giving you a range. As a Community-bred designer I went to my most reliable source of information, people in the slack groups I am in sharing their personal experiences, and shared this question to get different perspective on tackling the issue:
📣 My Ask

I am happy to say that I am never disappointed by the kindness you sometimes find in these communities. Community members poured in their advice. Hope the responses will help you in future:
💬 Community Shares

3 contributors · 8,025 Slack members [3]
"I'd love to know what you've budgeted for the role."
“Thanks for providing that info. I’m interested in what’s the compensation band for this position?”
“Based on the current market(Glassdoor, indeed, LinkedIn) for this position in this region; and, my expertise $xx.xx-xx.xx is the starting range to comfortable perform x,y,z job functions. Does that sound in line with your budget?”

2 contributors · 12,113 Slack members
The contributors are 'unknown' because this Slack workspace has reached its limit and one can't go back to the discussion.

Company: “What’s your desired salary?”
Me: “What’s the budget range for the role?”
For declining their offer, I've said “Based on the value I can bring with my experience from X, Y, Z, I would feel more comfortable with a salary of (number).”
I’d consider it a red flag if the company won't tell you their budget at all for the role if you've asked directly.

7 contributors · 2,688 Slack members [4]

4 contributors · 1,905 Slack members [8]
Do not — I repeat, do not — give them a number. Instead, Ask for the range they’ve budgeted for the role:
“Can you tell me the salary band for this level? Happy to let you know if it’s within my range, and we can discuss specific numbers later when I’ve met the team.”
What recruiters say: “If you give me your number, I will make it happen for you.”
What they mean: “I’ll get you something lower, but kinda close to what you asked for.”
- For me, the budget is really flexible, the decision is mostly about how capable and the experience of the candidate.
- the happiness of the team members is more important than saving a few hundred euros. But it's the happiness of ALL the team members, so fairness is really important and thus the offer is very often a consideration of the relative salary with the existing team.
- I indeed have multiple times that after the candidate tell us their expectation, we offer him/she more than that because it's a potential issue if he found his salary is lower than the teammates without good reasons
- (given that when the hiring manager has such freedom) I indeed always try to raise the salary of the team - given that if you hire the right people, the output is always significantly higher than the cost. It's much more productive to keep them engaged rather than saving a little bit of budget. And if some good performer leave, it's always a BIG COST for the team, for the productive and for the time investment to find a new one.

3 contributors · 5,684 Slack members [10]
Lenny's newsletter published the question and responses in their Community issue 59 as one of the 💥 Top threads this week
"This feels like we're negotiating over salary but you haven't made me an offer yet."
"I know we're all looking at the same salary data and I'm sure you're planning to hire someone at a competitive rate. Is this something I should be worried about now?"
"It feels early to be talking about salaries, but now I'm curious to hear about your compensation strategy and plan."
- Are they trying to avoid wasting time by not progressing candidates who will ultimately decline an offer?
- Are they trying to hire people for lower salaries?
- Are they reflexively asking the question because they don't know any better and have no real hiring strategy?
“Let’s see if there is a mutual fit first before we discuss salary.”
“I don’t want anyone to waste their time if pay is misaligned.”
“Then let me know of your salary band, and I can judge if it works for me.”
“I’d rather you tell me what you feel comfortable paying me after my interviews.”

4 contributors · 363 Slack members [11]
"Since this role is a posted position which has been signed off and made public, the salary range should be no secret. Can you tell me the salary range for the position, so that we both know we’re not wasting our time?"
"I'd like to show you how I can contribute enough to your business that you'll want to pay me well to do this job and I'd like to have an honest, fair discussion based on what I can do to make your business more successful.”

8 contributors · 7,272 Slack members
The contributors are 'unknown' because this Slack workspace has reached its limit and one can't go back to the discussion.

"What salary can you offer for a position/role like that one? or What salary can you offer for a role with my seniority?"
Avatar credits: Craftwork (Free Userpics Pack)

- They offer X amount per year (for example 22k p/a) so it's below the range of the market for a junior, then you know they are not very "trustworthy" (unless they justify this amount for X reasons: early startup, lower salary but bonus included, low salary but revision after 3 months, etc...)
- They say a X amount above the market then (we are going to offer 32k-34k for ex.), everyone is happy.
- They say an amount that is average (28k p/a) and then you say: "mmm I was thinking more about something around 3k-32k p/a because X, X and X".

“I appreciate the question. I would like to learn more about the team and the context, and also do some research on my own. Would you be able to provide me a salary range for now? ….. I see. Thank you. I’d like to revisit this topic at a later stage”

4 contributors· 495 Slack members [13]
"My salary range is flexible. I would like to be compensated reasonably for my experience and accomplishments. Before I come to the salary, I would like to know more about the position, the company, the team and the benefits. Once we are done having a detailed discussion about these topics, I would like to talk about specific number. By the way, may I ask what salary range you’re considering for this position?"
- Say you are flexible
- You should provide a range instead of a specific number
- Before talking about money, talk about your achievements, certifications, education etc… even testimonials
"I have been doing freelance for a couple of years and do not know the current rate for a salaried position with benefits. I know they can be drastically different. Could you share the salary range for this position to help me understand what is reasonable?"
"I am new to the industry and do not know the current rate and how that fits in with benefits and/or bonuses. Could you share the salary range + benefits for this position to help me understand what is reasonable?"
“Considering this is a [contract/full-time] [level - mid-level, senior, etc.] position, I’d say [range] but I would also take into consideration benefits, and the types of projects I’d be working on. So, I am flexible. Are you able to disclose the salary range for this position?”
"What range do you have in mind for this position?"
- if they can't or won't state a range then they're not serious and I end the conversation politely.
- 99.9% will give me their range and I can then say something like "I'd come in at the high end of that " or similar, again without stating a number.

4 contributors · 10,949 Slack members [14]
- What’s your budgeted salary range for this role?
- “I know similar roles in competitor companies run XXX to YYY. Is that in line with your budgeted range? Is it higher or lower?”
"This is always the hardest question, isn't it? I see compensation as a total package, and I want to make sure we're a good fit for each other just as much as you do, but you've got a better sense of both the salary range and the benefits than I do. If you can share those factors with me, I can let you know if we're aligned."

2 contributors · 50,270 Slack members [15]
"It does really depend on the full extent of the role and so I would need to give it some deeper thought after this interview as I learn more. Can I ask what the range you had in mind for the role was?"
- Check if the SKILLS required for this job position - are a fit on both the sides
- Check if the SALARY associated with this job position - is a fit on both sides

4 contributors · 20,170 Slack members [16]
It is also good to have a specific number in mind so that you won’t accept anything below it. (don’t disclose that one)
You might also consider giving them a range of salary. In this way you will put them in a conundrum: will they pick the lower end and look like stingy asses? Or perhaps they want to demonstrate the trust they will place in you by picking a salary on the upper-end?
"I'm quite flexible. What's the role's budgeted range?"

2 contributors · 26,488 Slack members [18]
Keep in mind that at the earliest stage your previous salary history is not relevant to the job, and should not be disclosed no matter what. Your preferred salary is not relevant to the job at the beginning either, and in both salary scenarios the goal is to either Destroy your negotiation power in the future, if you go too low too early and you try to go higher they would hold you to your words, and if you go too high they might terminate your interview for another, so you gotta be smart.
Usually you can return the question back in a nice way, different strategies. You can say, you don't have a specific number in mind yet as the main focus is to get through with the interview first. The salary should be the last thing they discuss about, when you know they will offer you a job.
Otherwise ask them to tell you their budget for the role if it matches with your interest, or tell them what amount have they paid for similar roles in the past or what do they consider as a fair amount for a position like this etc. You can initiate a discussion in directly, taking subtle control of the conversation and whenever you are the one asking you have control over who is answering. I once interviewed my interviewer, she forgot she was interviewing me the way I engaged her and she was really falling in love, maybe we would be married by now if I pushed further haha, so it really just depends on you, how much you can sell yourself, talk, converse and engage after all they are humans.
If they all the way insist by all means and you have tried to escape the questions multiple times so much and it seems there's no way out, I suggest you search online for the average salary in big tech companies for internship or junior role even senior depending on your role and use that to decide your salary or you can ask a friend for advice.
The golden rule is never to give an answer too soon, any company asking you for salary information on their form or interview is probably unto something be careful.
Try to act smart, informed and dynamic in your approach, it will send a message across to them.
"Hey, can we please defer the salary negotiation to the end of the interview? That way we both can get to know each other so negotiation becomes simple."

3 contributors · 6,348 Slack members [19]
Just know that you are not required to tell them your previous compensation package, especially since it'll perpetuate the pay inequity many minorities face. I would say
"I don't feel comfortable revealing my past compensation package, but I'd like to know what compensation the organization feels is fair."
"I have something in mind, but I would first like to hear what the organization's offer is."
My two cents. Go get 'em tiger.
don't feel pressured to complete the entire negotiation in a single conversation. Both parties need time to think, calculate
I have some experience as a hiring manager and it's worth sharing that we already know the pay bands for a given role in advance of sharing the job posting. For example: a company may decide to offer between 120k-160k for a Senior Product Designer. The band exists to account for more or less "perfect fit" candidates and allows the company to be flexible with each individual candidate.
As the interviewee, you should also know in advance what the pay scale and floor, as Rochelle mentions, you're willing to accept is in advance of applying for the role.
During the earliest stages of the interview process you should proactively ask for the pay band the role falls within. There should be no hesitation from the recruiter or hiring manager in offering the range since avoiding a bad fit ASAP is advantageous to everyone.
If the company refuses to share this info, you likely don't want to work there 🙂

1 contributor · 24,767 Slack members [20]

3 contributors · 7,242 Slack members [22]

"My salary requirements will depend on the opportunity and many contextual factors, such as who I'll be working with, what types of projects I'll be on, and work-life balance. However, a number like $X would certainly have my attention"
“I’d prefer if we start by you sharing what you have in mind as the current salary range for the role.”

4 contributors · 5,182 Slack members [23]
sometimes that doesn’t work because they will throw it back to me and ask again. So I say Well, I need some time to think. Or I need to talk about it with my family and see what works.
they often say ok and keep moving forward with the process while trying to remember to get that info. Most or half forget (they don’t track well the alarm requirement as a gate in the process) so I may find out at the offer or they remember later and ask me if $C - $K is ok not knowing if I have a requirement or not.
Still some will come back an require me to give them (which is illegal) so I can refuse or say this. (After doing research) my requirement is $Y per year ( which is way above what the maximum my research has shown).
Then they say that is too high that the range for the job is $R - €S. Then I tell them I will take €S. Or if that max is too low the. I say thank you and live on.
Sometimes they just say that is too high. Before they close the conversation I ask what the range of the job was. When they tell me if it works I say I would be willing to do it for the max range because I like the job. Or if not I thank them and move on.
You can also try telling them what goes into your calculation: What's the cost of living index where you live? Would you be required to move? Just to start the conversation. Get them thinking about how they can help you make a decision. If you need to know salary range in order to move forward at this point, they need to be transparent with you, or it's just not going to work out.
I don't know if this would work for everybody, but I've said "I make X right now" (be honest--but maybe a little optimistic based on bonus opportunities etc) "...and in order to change companies, I'd expect an increase around X%." You could even say "I expect my pay to increase by y% this year at this company--and to change I'd need that to be z%)".
Though sometimes I've gotten more vague answers like "We're competitive in the Seattle market" or "You can read up on GlassDoor - we pay employees in your role very well for the industry"

2 contributors · 1,014 Slack members [24]
The contributors are 'unknown' because this Slack workspace has reached its limit and one can't go back to the discussion.

"What are your salary expectations?" "Do you by chance have a range for the role?"
"thanks for the information, let's see if it's a right fit first" and see where that goes"

“I’m looking for a right fit and can be flexible on salary depending on benefits and total compensation package. I’d be open to a reasonable proposal commensurate for a designer of my experience in New York City.”

1 contributor · 1,753 Slack members

1 contributor · 16,808 Slack members [25]

1 contributor · 7,240 Slack members [26]
“I’ll let you share the expectations to the salary since I’m sure we’ll work it out. I believe in that if this is the right place for me and I’m the right for you, then it’ll be fine”.
Thanks for reading 🤗
- How to Negotiate Salary: 3 Winning Strategies · Program on Negotiation (PON) Harvard Law School ↩︎
- Setting Up & Preparing For Interviews · Poindexter ↩︎
- Slack Community Shares · Where are black designers? ↩︎
- Slack Community Shares · ADPlist ↩︎
- Tips for negotiating your salary (from an ex-FAANG recruiter) · Mayuko ↩︎
- 3 Phrases to Keep Your Current Salary a Secret from Recruiters · Candidate Planet ↩︎
- Optimal Strategy for Giving Salary Expectations in Phone Screens · Candidate Planet ↩︎
- Slack Community Shares · Teams at Work ↩︎
- The 10 commandments of salary negotiation · Lenny's Newsletter ↩︎
- Slack Community Shares · Friends of Lenny's Newsletter ↩︎
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- How to Skillfully Answer 'What Is Your Desired Salary?' in a Job Interview · Inc. ↩︎
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- Salary expectations questions - How should you answer them? · Fearless Salary Negotiation ↩︎
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- Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued by Kalzumeus Software · Kalzumeus Software ↩︎
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